Sick from Mold Sick from Mold Exposure
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Real MOLD Facts

We Recommend Several Other Websites that Have Good Information which we do not have on this Site that may be of Help to you and Your Family.

Good Luck and the Best of Health!


Is a site that you can ask (email only) specific questions about your Mold problems, i.e. Mold Sickness, Mold Testing, Mold Remediation and almost anything that has to do with Mold or Mold Problems.

Our experience is they generally write back within 24 hours and their advice is solid. They sell nothing to you and don’t put you on any type of email list.

Mold Tests.Org

This site has great information about the different types of Mold Tests and Testing. It includes environmental testing and testing the Human Body for Mold exposure. Also how much you should pay for testing.

Mold Answers.Info

This site talks about stuff no other site mentions, i.e. insurance and Mold Claims. A lot of down to earth information, how to spot a Mold scam artist and who is probably a reliable bet to do work for you. There’s a lot of good stuff on there.

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